Class Descriptions & Fees
Ashtanga Inspired
Ashtanga Yoga is an active class which helps to balance the mental, physical and spiritual pressures and stresses posed by the modern world we live in today. it develops union of mind, body and spirit. We begin with warm ups using Surya Nmaskara A and B (Sun Salutations), followed by standing poses, all guided by the breath. Next are the seated postures with pose and counterpose. Then we move on to the prone poses, laying on the floor. Lastly stretching the neck and spine, balancing out the forward bending asanas, with Setu Bandhasana (the bridge Pose), finishing postures and inversions. We conclude with Savasana (Corpse Pose). This pose allows the body to integrate and remember the balancing effects of the practice just completed.
Restorative class is a relaxation and regeneration practice. Equipment is used to promote passive postures. The postures are held longer so that the body can learn to completely relax.
Hatha yoga is a centuries-old practice that harmonizes the body and mind through a combination of physical postures (asanas), controlled breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. This gentle and foundational form of yoga focuses on aligning the body, enhancing flexibility, and cultivating inner awareness. Hatha yoga is perfect for individuals of all fitness levels and provides a tranquil space to improve physical health, reduce stress, and attain a sense of balance and serenity.
Pricing - Fees
All Classes - Drop-in
$ 12.00 - regular drop in fee
$ 10.00 - senior or student drop-in
Punch Passes - 6 class passes
1½ hour class
$ 60.00 - regular
$ 55.00 - senior or student
1¼ hour class
$ 55.00 - regular
$ 50.00 - senior or student
1 hour class
$ 50.00 - regular
$ 40.00 - senior or student
Meditation - Free
Chair Yoga
Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which regular standing and seated postures are performed with the support of a chair (provided). It builds strength and balance while improving flexibility to help relieve stiffness and promote peace of mind. Breathing techniques and relaxation are incorporated into every class. This style of yoga is great for beginners and for those who want to focus on a gentle practice.
Gentle Hatha
Gentle yet stimulating sessions directed toward exploring and realizing best possible individual outcomes. The sessions offer opportunity for participants to work toward their potential through guided muscle activity, breath work, and mind-body connection.
Lead with a gentle opening and then your time to sit in silence and find your centre and peace.